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Non-Governmental Organizations Major Group Position Paper

High Level Political Forum, 2018

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For the 2030 Agenda to be truly transformative, urgent action is required to reorient and restructure global systems towards equity and justice. This includes the meaningful and active participation of stakeholders at all stages of the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Therefore, the NGO Major Group calls for a new development paradigm that prioritizes the flourishing of humans, nature, and animals. Our proposals specific to the SDGs under consideration at the 2018 High Level Political Forum follow below.

Recognizing the importance of water, sanitation and hygiene in ensuring human rights, gender equality, and peace, we call for a rights-based approach to SDG6 that prevents the commodification and privatization of water sources and that ensures transparent, accountable, and fair distribution of services; increases domestic resources and aid for water, sanitation, and hygiene services to ensure equitable and affordable access; protects environmental ecosystems that secure water systems; and strengthens community-based water resource management.